Management as a profession. Manager is a popular profession. “Management”: description of the specialty, pros and cons, reviews. Who can work? How much does a manager earn? What salary
As a science, management came to us from the West and continues its active development: new types of management appear as professional areas of human activity in the organization. Now there are managers in every organization and not a single team can do without them. Consider what kind of profession is a manager and what is it characterized by?
The meaning of the term “management” means to manage, that is, the manager is the manager. Most often they mean the manager of the enterprise. To do this, you need to know many aspects of the organization: from the registration of an enterprise, conducting procurement, accounting, and to marketing finished products and settlements with customers.
Manager Responsibilities
In practice, the manager is considered the head of the middle management, who is subordinate to the department or unit. His responsibilities typically include:
- analysis of the company’s work,
- planning activities to improve the effectiveness of the organization as a whole or a separate unit,
- execution of these programs and control of subordinates and the results of their work.
The list of manager’s responsibilities can be supplemented; all of them are aimed at increasing the efficiency and profitability of the organization.
The manager’s knowledge also includes knowledge of the work of subordinates, which is why many managers began their work as ordinary employees of the department.
What disciplines should a future manager learn
Management and its applied areas (financial, environmental, information, innovation and others).
General management studies methods of managing groups of people. These are proven and effective management methods used in all organizations that allow them to work productively.
Personnel management or personnel management considers employees of the company as the main resource of the organization. Organizations are actively introducing socio-psychological management methods and are working on team building. These, including engaged managers.
Psychology. Since the manager needs to manage people, he needs knowledge of psychology. This allows him to competently influence the team, motivate subordinates to achieve the desired result, satisfy the needs of subordinates.
Logistics. This science allows you to achieve the most efficient operation of the organization with minimal costs, that is, minimize costs with high quality work.
Economics and Accounting. Improving the effectiveness of the organization is necessary in order to maximize the profits and welfare of its owners. All measures to achieve this goal must be justified. Therefore, it is important to have knowledge about supply and demand, the factors that shape them, macroeconomic equilibrium, factors of external and internal impact, and more.
Marketing. In any field of activity, the company must satisfy the needs of its customers, therefore, knowledge of the basics of consumer behavior, segmentation and market coverage, features of identifying competitors and competition are also necessary for a modern manager.
These and other disciplines are necessary for the effective work of a manager or manager in a modern company. But it is also worth keeping in mind that this profession requires constant development and improvement. Therefore, the manager must constantly work on himself, acquire new skills, introducing them into the work of the company, you can achieve its prosperity.
In the modern world, the demand for the profession of manager is undeniable. Today in any company, holding or corporation there are people who are representatives of this particular type of activity. To understand what the features of the managerial profession are, one must clearly know the meaning of this borrowed word. It quickly burst into the vocabulary of Russian people from the English language. “Manager” is the manager who organizes work in the company or at the enterprises. He coordinates the activities of employees, manages the production and circulation of goods. In fact, this is the boss who in the company is a representative of the middle or senior management team.
Nowadays, many university graduates certainly want to become managers, preferably in large enterprises. But not everyone understands what qualities must be possessed in order to succeed in this responsible work. So what is the responsibility of the manager?
- managers need to select the necessary specialists for the enterprise, taking into account the future prospects of the company. High-quality work of managers eliminates the lack of qualified personnel;
- managerial profession involves direct work with staff. And here you need to be an innovator in order to seek out new ways of motivating employees to increase labor productivity. The manager must be a psychologist and have a rich imagination in order to stimulate personnel not only financially;
- the manager must plan commercial and entrepreneurial activities, that is, he must monitor the implementation of business plans, conclude contracts, contracts and agreements, while minimizing the possible risk;
- the manager is responsible for the competitiveness of the product or services, for the quality of the goods offered and for the increase in their sales;
- at the same time, the manager is obliged to use labor and material resources economically and as efficiently as possible;
- analysis of consumer demand, sales forecast, negotiations with business partners – all this also lies with the manager.
In the managerial profession, as in any other, there are pros and cons. The positive aspects include the following:
- great demand, because today managers are required in all areas;
- possibility of career growth;
- business trips, including abroad;
- interesting acquaintances and communication with different people.
The negative sides of this type of activity:
- To lead is not to distribute all responsibilities to subordinates and do nothing at the same time. The work of a manager is often very nervous, as he has to work in intensive mode. Sometimes throughout the day there is no way to distract and relax. High pace of work can cause stress.
- Monotony, lack of diversity, responsibility for making decisions in urgent, urgent situations can affect the health and well-being of a person in this profession not in the best way.
- Lack of sales can significantly reduce the manager’s salary.
Personal qualities of a manager
One of the main qualities is sociability, the ability to get along with a variety of people. For the manager, stress resistance is also important, the ability to quickly navigate in a changing situation, make decisions with a lack of information and in a limited time. It is also desirable to have leadership qualities, ambition, a desire to grow yourself and contribute to the prosperity of the company. As many experts in the field of personnel activities note, the manager is a thinker and activist, and a good manager is also a born leader.
Education: what you need to know?
To get a good offer from the employer to the manager’s place, it is advisable to have a higher profile education. True, often the presence of a diploma does not indicate that the employee will initially be well versed in the product or in the provision of a certain type of service. But the fact that the candidate for work was able to unlearn 5-6 years, suggests that he is likely to be easily trained, diligent and intellectually developed.
You can master the profession of manager by attending all kinds of courses on personnel management, documentation, and the basics of marketing. At psychological trainings you will be taught communication techniques, the ability to avoid conflicts, and possibly oratory. It is worth noting that many companies prefer to train their staff on their own, based on the characteristics of their organization.
Place of work and career
Sales Manager
Its main task is to do everything possible and impossible so that the company’s profit is constantly growing. To do this, he must be sociable and persuasive, able to communicate with people. Such skills are necessary to attract new customers and work effectively with existing partners. The most important thing for such a leader is to have knowledge of various sales technologies.
Tourism manager
Such a specialist offers tourist trips, attracting as many customers as possible to his agency. It is he who advises those who want to go on a trip, helping them choose the best option for the tour, based on their desires, capabilities and needs. Organization of transportation, interaction with insurance agents, constant monitoring of the market in the field of tourism services and companies – all this is the responsibility of the head of this direction.
HR Manager
This leader needs to have knowledge not only in the field of office management and the labor code, but also in socio-psychological skills. It is the manager for personnel policy that creates a comfortable atmosphere for the staff. Maintaining documentation for hiring or dismissing, creating a vacation schedule, orders for punishments or incentives for staff, staff development and much more – this is what the profession of personnel manager implies.
Office Manager
The duties of this leader include the effective organization of management activities and the maintenance of necessary documentation. This is a kind of assistant to the General Director, orders, orders and instructions of which should be carried out efficiently and on time. Receiving phone calls, receiving and sending correspondence, preparing and maintaining minutes of meetings and meetings, organizing business meetings and negotiations, monitoring and coordinating some employees (drivers, cleaners, couriers) is not a complete list of all the duties of an office manager. More often the organization’s management prefers to see a rather elderly woman with work experience, knowledge of a personal computer, and the ability to use office equipment at this place. Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis welcome.
Manager (from the English. Manage – manage) – a specialist in the management of production and circulation of goods, hired manager. Managers organize work at the company, direct the production activities of groups of employees of the company. The manager is an official of the company, the company in which he works, and is included in the middle and senior management of the companies. (Modern economic dictionary)
The main function of managers – management, including the process of planning, organization, motivation and control. Depending on the size and number of objects of management distinguish between management levels, and, consequently, managers.
It is generally accepted to single out grassroots managers (in world practice, operational managers), middle managers, and senior managers.
Grassroots managers – These are junior superiors who are directly above workers and other employees (non-managers). These include masters, department heads in stores, department heads, sales managers who have sales representatives (agents) under their authority, etc. In general, most managers are low-level managers. Most people begin their management careers in this capacity. Low-level managers can have any level of education.
Mid-level managers – This is the bosses of lower managers. Depending on the size of the organization, there may be several levels of such managers. Mid-level managers are the shop manager, branch director, dean of the faculty, head of sales, etc. Most often, such managers have diplomas of higher education.
Top managers – the smallest group of managers. Even in the largest organizations there are only a few people. Typical positions here will be the plant’s general director, store director, university rector, and chairman of the board of directors. This level of management requires higher education, sometimes more than one.
Obviously, the amount of wages depends on the level of management and can range from several thousand rubles to hundreds of thousands.
In Russian practice, managers can call anyone, regardless of the presence or absence of their subordinates. Such situations give rise to stories for jokes, when, for example, a loader is called a weight transfer manager.
Job responsibilities
- It manages the entrepreneurial or commercial activity of an enterprise, institution, organization aimed at meeting the needs of consumers and making profit through stable operation, maintaining a business reputation and in accordance with the authority and allocated resources.
- Based on the strategic goals of the enterprise, institution, organization, plans business or commercial activities.
- It monitors the development and implementation of business plans and commercial terms of agreements, contracts and contracts, assesses the degree of possible risk.
- Analyzes and solves organizational, technical, economic, personnel and socio-psychological problems in order to stimulate production and increase sales of products, improve the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, economical and efficient use of material, financial and labor resources.
- It carries out the selection and placement of personnel, motivates their professional development, evaluates and stimulates the quality of work.
- Organizes relations with business partners, a system for collecting the necessary information to expand external relations and exchange experience.
- It analyzes the demand for manufactured products or services, forecast and sales motivation by studying and evaluating the needs of customers.
- Participates in the development of innovative and investment activities, an advertising strategy related to the further development of entrepreneurial or commercial activities.
- It ensures the growth of profitability, competitiveness and quality of goods and services, increasing labor efficiency.
- Carries out coordination of activities within a certain direction (section), analysis of its effectiveness, makes decisions on the most rational use of allocated resources.
- Attracts consultants and experts on various issues (legal, technical, financial, etc.) to solving problems.
Must know:
- legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities;
- market economy, entrepreneurship and business;
- market conditions, pricing, taxation, marketing fundamentals; theory of management, macro and microeconomics, business administration, exchange, insurance, banking and financial affairs;
- theory and practice of working with staff;
- forms and methods of conducting advertising campaigns;
- the procedure for developing business plans and commercial terms of agreements, contracts, contracts;
- foundations of sociology, psychology and labor motivation;
- ethics of business communication; fundamentals of production technology;
- management structure of an enterprise, institution, organization, prospects for innovation and investment;
- methods for assessing the business qualities of workers;
- basics of office work;
- information processing methods using modern technical means, communications and communications, computer technology;
- the basics of labor law;
- advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of management;
- rules and norms of labor protection.
Qualification requirements
Higher professional education (majoring in management) or higher professional education and additional training in the field of management theory and practice, work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.
Such a common word “manager” has long been heard by everyone, but many do not understand its meaning and do not know the specifics of this work. A manager is a manager, a person who directs people, organizes their work. The profession of a manager implies by itself the independent organization of work in any field, and the management of a group of subordinates, their activities. It all depends on the authority of the employee and on the particular company.
The success of a company, its competitiveness and position in the market of goods or services to a large extent depend on such specialists. Therefore, although this profession is widespread, it still occupies one of the highest lines in the rating of the most popular specialties.
Who is this profession suitable for?
Management is an excellent industry for leading people who are able to manage other people well, motivate them to succeed and achieve. Also in the work will help such qualities as: responsibility, positivity, analytical mindset and some foresight. Thanks to this, a person can really achieve great heights and raise the rating of his company, increase sales, respectively, and income. And this is exactly what you need for each company in the first place – to sell their goods or services at the best possible price.
The manager’s position is very interesting, and it is perfect for those who want to work actively, feel the respect of colleagues and be proud of the results of their work. If you are energetic and sociable, you want constant movement and growth, you are stress-resistant and organized, then the path to success in such an interesting business as management is open for you!
Planning, organization and control are the three main characteristics of the tasks that each manager faces. The description of the duties of an employee who has taken a manager’s vacancy usually consists of increasing company profits or managing personnel.
The manager carefully thinks out the strategy of the “behavior” of the company in the market and analyzes the reports of competing companies. Everything affects the success of an enterprise: the demand for the services it provides, the presence of competitors, the price of competitors’ products and many, many other factors. And the manager must take into account everything in his meticulous work and plan the best option for the promotion and development of the company.
A good manager can very profitably present the advantages of the company and not focus on its shortcomings. Responsibilities also include solving problems, due to which the number of customers (and hence profits) will increase. In case of unsuccessful decision, it is necessary to quickly assess the situation, analyze the situation and correct the error.
In addition, the manager must perfectly understand the spirit of his company, know all the employees and be able to establish relationships in the team. It is very important that employees get along with each other and are also motivated to work. The management specialist understands the features of each of his subordinates well and knows how to correctly distribute tasks among all and set goals. If an employee doesn’t succeed, then it is the manager who understands what the matter is and corrects the situation: explains the task easier and more clearly, helps a person to get into the business.
Management and all its subtleties should be understood by each representative of this profession. It is important that his knowledge be vast and widespread, and not “narrow” and specialized. Record keeping, economics, psychology, sociology – this is not a complete list of all disciplines that a person must learn “perfectly”. For so many companies, knowledge of a foreign language is also important.
A manager is a truly versatile employee who can cope equally well with sales, with the organization of work of employees, and with staff recruitment. The specific activity depends on the needs of the company, and often a combination of several of these tasks may be present in the position.
About study and work
Management and marketing, organization management, document management, a market economy – this is not a complete description of everything that a young student has to study at a university who has entered the profession. Legislative and legal acts, pricing, taxation, advertising principles – all this knowledge will make a person a truly valuable employee for each company.
Of course, a beginner without experience, but with good knowledge in the management of organizations, it is necessary to make every effort to prove himself and show his professional qualities. It is possible that at first you will be entrusted with simple tasks, but remember that for a good employee there is always the possibility of career growth. What can he be?

It is customary to divide managers into three levels: primary, secondary and higher.
As a beginner, you can apply for the position of an entry-level manager. This is the very “platform” with which the career of most people begins. They manage a small group of workers who perform the tasks assigned to them (but they themselves do not have subordinates).
Further, when you develop your potential, you will work perfectly (and most importantly – effectively), when you show your bosses professionalism and understanding of the matter, you can count on incentives and enhancements. Becoming a middle manager is a great honor. They manage entry level managers. By the way, depending on the structure of your company, there may be several “levels” of middle managers.
But top managers are the most representative and top level. Usually there are only a few such employees; they manage the entire huge “mechanism” of the company.
A huge plus of this profession: a graduate of the specialty “management” can work in organizations of various fields. These irreplaceable employees who possess such an important store of knowledge are needed in all trade organizations, in travel companies, wherever personnel management is required. You must admit that such a multitude of options for activity gives you a huge choice of work in a variety of enterprises!
Management and marketing are excellent areas for the development of ambitious, inventive and creative people. Great news: the extensive knowledge base that you will receive at the university is practical.
Manager is a very popular profession, and there is always a great demand for excellent specialists with good knowledge and professionalism. For success in this area (however, as in any other), you need to improve, develop and always strive for more and better. After graduating from a higher professional education it is better not to finish your managerial skills: attend seminars and trainings, buy thematic books, listen to video lessons and lectures on the Internet. And use the acquired knowledge in practice! Thanks to this, you can develop to a very solid level and take the position of your dreams. The main thing is that the work is to your liking, and you enjoy each of your small and big victories!
Every year, thousands of specialists graduate from higher education institutions, who then hopelessly try to find a job that matches their qualifications in the diploma. If in the old days this problem was easily solved by state distribution, and the young employees needed hard work and strict adherence to the instructions of the mentor, now the situation has changed radically. A man independently decides his fate, including his career. Therefore, it is extremely important when entering a university to seriously approach the choice of faculty and profile of study in order to have an idea in which direction to subsequently look for work.
What does management mean?
Management is a fairly new word in everyday life among compatriots, but it quickly gained popularity. Having opened a newspaper or website with a description of the required specialists, you can always notice that companies need managers. Let’s try to figure out what this concept means by itself, and who can work in the specialty of “organization management”.
A person who never comes across this concept often thinks that it means management. In a way, it is, because the concept of “management” comes from the Latin manus (hand), which is reflected in the English verb to manage – “lead”. However, management is a broader concept, which implies the ability to manage any systems, including automatic ones, while management is the art of creating a product by the hands of other people. This means that the manager is a person who controls people and possesses at the same time
Organisation management. Who can work with this specialty?
Labor exchanges are full of requests for the search for sensible managers. This is due to the development of domestic business.
Any manager understands how important it is for a company to have a qualified staff so that at the head of each unit is an outstanding leader who can increase the organization’s trading profit. This is possible in two cases: when the manager has chosen his life path correctly, and his personal qualities are fully consistent and when he knows how to correctly allocate company resources.
The prospect of running a company or being the head of a department leads many students and their parents to choosing the specialty “organization management”. “Who can work in reality with this profession?” – A question that should worry applicants in the first place. The most interesting thing is that there is no single answer to this question. The business environment is undergoing constant changes, which means that, possibly, after the students have completed the five-year term of study, they will be required to possess new competencies that were not originally expected in the profile of their position.
At the moment, there are definitions in the scientific literature that imply that the organization of management in an enterprise is a management sphere aimed at planning the activities of a company, a step-by-step system for ensuring its vital functions, control over the functioning of individual units and the skillful distribution of time, labor, information and
Manager and owner of the company – what is the difference?
Domestic business does not always keep pace with foreign innovations, so very often there is embarrassment in the interpretation of certain concepts. came to our country from the West and quickly covered all segments of the market, but for many it still remains a mystery: how do the owner of the enterprise and the manager differ if both of these persons are, by definition, decision-makers. In fact, there is no difference between these entities. Their responsibilities include the same list of tasks, but their difference in the level of authority shares them. In other words, the manager is a hired employee who is called upon to carry out the skillful management of the organization, while its owner is a person who has invested his own funds in its development, but does not necessarily provide leadership. However, as the experience of foreign companies shows, any owner of the company must be a priori a good manager.
Manager Responsibilities
The organization’s management system implies that each company has functional units, at the head of which there should be a decision maker. In practice, the manager most often acts in the middle management, whose immediate responsibilities include:

- planning and implementation of measures to modernize the enterprise;
- performance analysis of the company;
- universal monitoring of the implementation of tasks assigned to personnel;
- creating a favorable climate in the team.
The goal of the manager as an employee is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise, therefore it is extremely important for him to be able to see the situation as a whole and understand how the work of his department can increase the KPI of the whole company.
Qualities that a manager should possess in the modern world
Graduating from a university, getting a diploma, and maybe even experience, are far from determining factors of success for an employee in management. In addition to the above nuances, each manager should work on improving personal characteristics and develop the following skills and qualities:

The management appreciates to the greatest extent those specialists who are able to quickly and efficiently distribute the resource base of the company, as well as achieve the maximum profit with the lowest costs, which is why the organization of financial management plays an important role in the enterprise.
Areas of work after obtaining a specialty “Organization Management”
According to the statistics of universities that offer applicants to become students and learn the profession of manager, their graduates work in the following areas:
- public service;
- restaurant and hotel business or, as it is now called, HoReCa;
- wholesale and retail trade;
- banking and insurance services;
- financial institutions;
- information Technology;
- industry;
- education.
Among frequently asked questions, there is such one: “Organization management – who can work?” This is not surprising: companies offer an incredibly extensive list of vacancies for potential employees. Of course, most of the guys dream of starting their own business, but with an aggressive competitive environment it is advisable to have preliminary experience, so many follow the path that has been tested for years: they are hired by employees.
Today there are so many opportunities for the manifestation of their own abilities that for everyone there is work. Organization management as a specialty covers a wide enough horizon of activities that will satisfy the ambitions of everyone who is willing to make an effort. Consider the most promising areas for realizing our potential.
Consulting services
Today it is a very attractive area of \u200b\u200bactivity where not only entrepreneurs who had previously successful business experience, but also beginners who are ready to assist the leader at first, can find their skill. In order to be a consulting agency, you need to have skills in the field of services and have good communication skills, since work involves ubiquitous communication with people and the ability to communicate information of varying complexity to them.
Marketing and advertising services
Today it is one of the most promising areas of activity. It is dynamic, requires creativity from managers and is ideal for those guys who like a democratic management organization. Management within such a company should be based on the ability to clearly plan activities and advertising campaigns, position itself on the market, knowledge of the basics of pricing and financing schemes, the ability to find markets and the skills to promote your own product.
Personnel Management
First of all, management is studying the levers of influence on people that allow them to effectively manage. Many companies have long come to the conclusion that their most valuable resource is people, and therefore they focus on creating a favorable microclimate in the team. Team building and training on the basis of the enterprise, all kinds of social guarantees and convenient working conditions – this is not at all the humane desire of the leadership to do more good in the world, but a carefully planned action. That is why, at large enterprises, the vacancies of HR managers are everywhere – people who care about the effectiveness of each employee. These professionals are designed to motivate employees to increase their personal productive results. Most often, these positions are recruited by girls who, in addition to paper analytical work, are also involved in organizing corporate events and other personnel development programs. Those who wish to obtain a similar position should pay close attention to the study of the Labor Code, special software, office work and psychology, since HR managers often participate in the selection of personnel.

If someone still has questions “what will happen if you go to study at the organization’s management”, “who you can work at the end of the university”, then you should think about your personal qualities and fantasies. so vast and opens up so many opportunities for people that it can rightly be called universal.